In our program MARKETHINK we have chosen the name PANDAS, since in addition to being cute and fluffy, these great animals teach us to love and enjoy life. taken the name
At this level we focus on creating bonds of friendship, visualizing and setting short and medium-term goals, creating a business plan and the mission, vision and values of your future company.
Every business begins by learning to value an idea, the work team, the environment in which you find yourself and the motivation with which you start your adventure.
Emotional management, values and self-love is the first step to being a leader.
We also learn about the CHROMATICS and its use in marketing to generate emotions in customers.
Know the environment in which you live, the people and situations that surround you to put together your WORK TEAM and value the help that everyone can give you and of course, the creation of your BUSINESS PLAN..
Observation is the beginning of any SCIENTIFIC METHOD, thinking differently and creatively will open up entrepreneurship possibilities and make a FOCUS GROUP It will allow you to learn what customers prefer.
Have CLEAR GOALS will allow you to know well the path you should take to start your business and the TOOLS What you will need to achieve it.
Being a leader requires, in addition to preparation and charisma, having a good PRESENCE that relates the objectives of the company with those who manage it.
There is a big difference between NEEDS AND LIKES and GUSTOS, get to know it and learn to manage changes in the VALUE CHAIN It is important in a company to manage COSTS.
A company can be started NOW, not after and know the MISION, VISION and MORAL VALUES of it, it will allow collaborators to be clearer about what they must do and why.
The PERSONAL and BUSINESS SWOT It allows you to know opportunities and those things that need to be improved in the processes.
The geniuses who have changed the course of history have been those who have thought with CREATIVITY and they have overcome obstacles by leaving their comfort zone.
The BUSINESS LEADERSHIP It is vital in any endeavor and for that, there are techniques to enhance the talents of those who want to be their own leader.
Analyze the MARKET from the perspective of the CUSTOMERS sets the tone to be successful.
The path that a business takes from its beginnings, called COSTUMER JOURNEY invites you to improve processes and optimize RESOURCES.
BASIC KNOWLEDGE of the design tool ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR or others that fulfill the same purpose.
BASIC PRACTICE of the design tool ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR or others that fulfill the same purpose.
Modalities and Investment
Includes worksheets and E-learning platform * Costs per participant
*Visa and Credit Fees in Guatemala
(1 Level)
(3 Levels)
With tutoring
(Min 10 - Máx. 15 Participantes)
$12.98 USD Monthly
$38.95 USD
Without tutoring
(Descuentos en grupos > 5)
$7.65 USD Monthly
$22.95 USD
$5.73 USD Monthly
$51.64 USD
(With 25% discount)
(Descuentos en grupos > 5)
$29.95 USD
Business coaching
(Min 40 - Máx. 80 Participantes)
$99.95 USD
$99.95 USD
1 day of training
40 – 80 participants
Si tu grupo es mayor de 15 participantes,
tenemos descuentos SÚPER ESPECIALES para tí, contáctanos.