We are a disruptive initiative that merges
learning and business
We create social impact with ideas and programs in key areas such as education, science, marketing and entrepreneurship.
We are fortunate that the Soy502 newspaper wrote an article about us and thus began this great path where we have found a diversity of ideas, talents and collaboration from many who have extended their hands to us at a national and international level.
Weekly meetings with kids from different countries, where different topics are discussed by lottery in order to share and learn. Children have the freedom to participate and, if they like, to lead the group and present.
The main purpose is to promote healthy coexistence in a safe, free and open space.
A complete 9-month program divided into 3 large areas: flying, marine and terrestrial animals with participation in an educational alliance with KAHAL BAJA SUR, from Mexico, PAJARERITOS from Colombia and MUSHNAT from Guatemala.
Scientific research and love for the environment are promoted while its care and conservation is instilled. This program costs $10 per month per child.
Complete basic-intermediate level program for children from 6 to 14 years of age where they learn GUATEMALA SIGN LANGUAGE – LENSEGUA with dynamism, openness and healthy coexistence
Learning is reinforced with homework, quarterly exams and audiovisual support material in a Facebook group.
A complete entrepreneurship, leadership and marketing program with 6 levels of 3.5 months each.
They learn about the world of business, advertising, marketing, media, design, sales and customer service, among much more.
We encourage self-esteem, not to have stage fright and to present their ideas so that they can build their own company from scratch.
If playing MINECRAFT is your little one's passion, they are going to love this space, because we created a free and secure server just for the
Sporadic group activities and the opportunity to connect with others your age internationally make for an incredible experience.

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